sabato 2 maggio 2009

gio&moni...crazy couple!

Today I'm off because of the weather is rainy and still  little bit drunk from last night's  birthday party but with good news that I'm gonna tell you guys:our gio did a pop up for a few minutes...that's awesome!I'll try to post that video.. YES HE CAN!

It was a really nice day.. surfing,chips and beers at sunset and that's all!
we spent a lot of time together last week and that's interesting because we felt also like friends,we had fun!

other news are coming but.. for today that's all


2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Grande Gio!!!!

Unknown ha detto...

Ciao Gioammericano!Come la va sulle onde oceaniche? Senti noi stiamo cercando di metterci in contatto via skype con voi!! :D ci autorizzate?? (se no aggiungici tu: skype name > emilio.collavino

ciao ciao e bacioni anche alla monica!

emi e pao